„Blood Brothers“ by Mike Zito and Albert Castiglia

Веднага след издаването си на 17  март 2023 г. албумът „BLOOD BROTHERS“ („КРЪВНИ БРАТЯ“) на именитите blues rock музиканти MIKE ZITO и ALBERT CASTIGLIA заема първото място в класацията за blues албуми на BILLBOARD.

Двамата са истински „кръвни братя“ в живота и в музиката, която създават както индивидуално, така и колективно, обединявайки сили в съвместни усилия за писане на песни и изпълнения, за да създадат цялостно слушателско изживяване, по-голямо от сбора на неговите части. Продуценти са легендарните китаристи JOE BONAMASSA и JOSH SMITH, които записват в Dockside Studio в Морис, Луизиана, и този звезден екип получава наградата за най-добър blues rock албум през 2024 г. по време на връчването на  The Blues Music Awards от The Blues Foundation на САЩ.

Ето какво споделя за началото на тази формация ALBERT CASTIGLIA: “Когато през 2021 г. Walter Trout трябваше да се откаже от мястото си на легендарния Rhythm and Blues Cruise, те наеха MIKE и мен да го заместим. И това мина невероятно добре. След време MIKE ми се обади и каза, че е уредил всичко и може да направим нов проект. Ще направим турне заедно. На него и двете групи ще свирят заедно по едно и също време, и ще го наречем BLOOD BROTHERS. И ще направим албум и ще ходим на турне следващата година. И аз казах, добре, шефе, каквото искаш, нека го направим“.

MIKE ZITO и ALBERT CASTIGLIA започват работа върху албума по време на успешната поредица от концерти на BLOOD BROTHERS през пролетта/лятото на 2022 г., които продължават след това с кулминация в шоуто Big Blues Bender в Лас Вегас през септември същата година. 

„Продукцията на този албум беше страхотна и аз съм още по-развълнуван да пусна тази музика и да я изпълня пред хората,” казва MIKE ZITO. „Просто е малко по-сложен с общата динамика на групата, която според мен отличава от това, което ALBERT и аз обикновено правим." 

„Създаването на този албум беше „братство“ във всеки смисъл на думата“ – добавя ALBERT CASTIGLIA. – Продуцентският екип на JOE BONAMASSA и JOSH SMITH, заедно с MIKE и аз, създадохме нещо невероятно. Надявам се нашите симпатизанти да оценят това сътрудничество толкова, колкото и ние.” 

Към процеса на подготовка се добавят талантите на продуцентите JOE BONAMASSA и JOSH SMITH, които внасят свежи идеи по време на звукозаписните сесии, тласкайки MIKE и ALBERT творчески да представят най-добрата си работа до момента. 

„MIKE и ALBERT имат невероятна химия заедно, когато се включат и свирят, каквато малцина имат. Те завършват музикално изреченията един на друг – казва именитият китарист JOE BONAMASSA за сесиите. – Страхотни мелодии, страхотни хора, страхотно обвързване! Какво мога да не харесвам? За мен беше чест да участвам в този проект." 

В записите на албума „BLOOD BROTHERS“ вземат участие MIKE ZITO: вокали/китари; ALBERT CASTIGLIA: вокали/китари, – и те събират  своите две групи, включващи MATT JOHNSON: барабани; EPHRAIM LOWELL барабани; DOUG BYRKIT: бас китара; LEWIS STEPHENS: пиано/орган, JOSH SMITH добавя участие на китара, а JOE BONAMASSA се включва със соло в новата песен „A THOUSAND HEARTACHES“. 

„MIKE ZITO и ALBERT CASTIGLIA направиха нещо фантастично“ – добавя копродуцентът JOSH SMITH. – И двамата намериха своя музикален довереник. Повечето соло изпълнители никога дори не поглеждат – камо ли да намерят – своите довереници. Тези двамата обаче събраха истинска „група“, използвайки членове на групите на всеки един от тях. Сумата от всички тези части, добавени с огромно усилие да напишат и изпълнят най-силния албум в съответните им кариери, се изплати в разкошен албум. Кръвни братя наистина! JOE и аз се гордеем, че тези братя се довериха на нашето партньорство за продуцирането на този великолепен албум!" 

В текстовете на песните прозира подчертано позитивното отношение към острите социални проблеми в съвремието, към опрощението, към личната реализация без да се губи самоличността, и дори към несподелената любов. 

 И така, в събота, 23 ноември, след новините от 22 ч. по програма “Хоризонт” на БНР, в предаването “Картини от една изложба®” ще представим албума „BLOOD BROTHERS“, или „КРЪВНИ БРАТЯ“. 

В предаването на 23.11.2024 г.: „Mike Zito и Albert Castiglia и албумът „Кръвни братя“

Date of Release: March 17th, 2023


1. Hey Sweet Mama - 3:36
(writing by Mike Zito)
2. In My Soul - 4:47
(writing by Mike Zito)

3. Tooth and Nail - 4:39
(writing by Tinsley Ellis)

4. Fool Never Learns     - 3:27
(writing by Fred James)

5. A Thousand Heartaches - 5:00
Featuring – Joe Bonamassa
(writing by Albert Castiglia)

6. My Business - 2:52
(writing by John Hiatt)

7. You're Gonna Burn - 4:32
(writing by Fred James, Berry Hill)

8. Bag Me, Tag Me, Take Me Away - 2:59
(writing by Graham Wood Drout)

9. No Good Woman - 4:52
(writing by Mike Zito)

10. Hill Country Jam - 6:55
(writing by Mike Zito, Josh Smith)

11. One Step Ahead of the Blues - 3:49
(writing by Mike Zito)

©2023 Gulf Coast Records, LLC


Vocals, Guitars – Mike Zito
Vocals, Guitars - Albert Castiglia
Bass Guitar – Douglas Byrkit
Drums, Percussion – Matthew Johnson
Drums, Percussion – Ephraim Lowell
Piano, Organ – Lewis Stephens

Additional Musicians:
Guitars– Joe Bonamassa, Josh Smith
Drums – Lemar Carter
Bass – Calvin Turner
Trumpet – Mike Haynes, Steve Patrick
Saxophone – Jimmy Bowland
Trombone – Jonathan Salcedo, Matt Jefferson
Background Vocals – Dannielle DeAndrea, Jade Macrae

Produced by Joe Bonamassa and Josh Smith
Engineered by Austin Atwood
Additional Engineering by Alan Hertz, David Farrell, David Kalmusky

Recorded at Dockside Studio Maurice, LA.
Additional recording at Flat V Studios Reseda, CA and Addiction Studios Nashville, TN
Mixed by Alan Hertz
Mastered by Eric Boulanger at Bakery Mastering


Hey Sweet Mama

Hey sweet momma
Won’t you come home with me
Hey sweet momma
Won't you come home with me
I got nothing but a good time
Baby let me set you free

That other man ain't got nothing for you
I can show you loving like you never knew
Won’t you come with me babe
I’ll keep you by my side
You won’t run away, no
I’ll keep you satisfied

Hey sweet momma
Won’t you come home with me
Hey sweet momma
Won’t you come home with me
I got nothing but a good time
Baby let me set you free

You’ll be my girl
I’ll be your forever man
You'll be my girl
I'll be your forever man
You let me love you
I'll do the best I can

Hey sweet momma
Won't you come home with me
Hey sweet momma
Won’t you come home with me
I got nothing but a good time
Baby let me set you free

I got nothing but a good time
baby let me set you free

In My Soul

Take me down to the river once more
Wash my skin and my sins in the water
Let it pour
I need love in my soul
I need love in my soul

Release my mind and my heart
From pain gone by
I know that I've done wrong
Forgiveness don’t pass my by
I need love in my soul
I need love in my soul

Let my heart lead the way
When my eyes can’t see
When I'm blind in the darkness
Let your light shine on me
I need love in my soul
I need love in my soul

Tooth and Nail

Lay low and let go
I just can't do that no more
Oh, I try to be fly
But I'm so sad to watch you up and go
I don’t where this thing is headed
But I certainly know where it's been
Tooth and nail I’m gonna fight to love you again

Scant chance a last dance
I got to get it my way
I love you it's so true
Still, you try and run away
There is something about you
Agitate me every time
I might end up in jail when I fight for you
Tooth and nail

If I thought you found another place
You found yourself another man
I’d look you straight in the face
And do the best that I can
I’d get my act together
Stop staying out all night
Lord, you know I earned the right
To fight for you tooth and nail

Show snuff hot stuff
Burn a fella every time
You been mine a long time
Since 1999
It ain’t no losing battle
Oh, you know I’ll prevail
Who’ll post my bail
When I fight for you tooth and nail

Fool Never Learns

I’m Wondering How You Set My Soul on Fire
But If You Play with Matches
You're Just Bound to Get Burned
I Never Can Be All That You Desire
I Should Know
That A Fool Never Learns
Yes, I Know That A Fool Never Learns

It's Over Now
I Don’t Know How to Show Her
I'm So Confused
I'm Not Sure Where to Turn
I Thought I Did
But I Don’t Even Know Her
Don’t You See
That a Fool Never Learns

Yes, I See
That A Fool Never Learns
I'm Making the Best
Of A Hopeless Situation
Ain’t Always Best for Everyone Concerned
So, I’m Standing on the Platform
At The Station
Don't You Know That a Fool Never Learns
Yes, I Know That a Fool Never Learns

A Thousand Heartaches

Every time I see you
I die a little
Unrequited love is the
Worst of all
My mind’s on a tightrope
Not a thing to break my fall

There ain’t no quelling my desire
And I am slowly going insane
The Gods of fate have spoken
And put the locks on these chains
And this pain it keeps on building
Don't know how much I can take
I guess I'll just die slowly
By a thousand heartaches

Never was and never will be
That's as far as I ever got with you
You haunt me in my dreams
Until I'm tattered fraught and blue

I'll let you be and hope I cross your mind
Once or twice or maybe more
Now pick up the pieces
Of my heart right off the floor
While I lie in desperation
Understand that this ain’t fate
I am slowly dying
By a thousand heartaches
A thousand heartaches

All I wanna do is see you happy
That's all I'll ever want for you
Although we ain’t together
Doesn’t mean that it's untrue
And the stars that lie between us
We’d have made the heavens shake
Maybe in the next life
There’ll be no heartaches
No more heartaches

My Business

My baby don't like my business
My baby don't like my business
You know she don't like my business
My baby don't like my business now

She take me out to a party
Then she act like she don't know me
I don't know how we got it started
Someday I'm gonna set her free

My baby don't like my business
My baby don't like my business
You know she don't like my business
My baby don't like my business now

She wake me up in the morning
Cold coffee and a crust of bread
Pillows fluffed up like a body
I look over and there ain’t no head

My baby don't like my business
My baby don't like my business
You know she don't like my business
My baby don't like my business now

I go to work broken hearted
She’s down at the new dress shop
I come home it's like a funeral parlor
She wanna put me down in that box

My baby don't like my business
My baby don't like my business
You know she don't like my business
My baby don't like my business now

You’re Gonna Burn

Well, you really tore me down
There's a hammer in your heart
You take my love and build me up
Then you tear it all apart
You're gonna pay you're gonna learn
Someday you're gonna burn

I don’t get mad but I get even
If it takes me a hundred years
Yeah, my heart is on the warpath baby
Coming down the trail of tears
You're gonna pay you're gonna learn
Someday you're gonna burn

Well, you rode me like a horse
And you treated me like a dog
while I worked like a Georgia mule
To keep you living high on the hog
Hey baby you know that table is gonna turn
You're gonna pay you're gonna learn
Someday you're gonna burn
You're gonna pay you're gonna learn
Someday you're gonna burn

Bag Me, Tag Me, Take Me Away

They say that I play too fast
But I know babe I wasn't born to last
And that's how I'm gonna play
Until they bag me, tag me, take me away

They say that I play too hard
That's ok that's just the way things are
And that's how I'm gonna play
Until they bag me, tag me, take me away

I spent my life going down the lost highway
Now I'm gonna die so I live my life that way

They say that I play too rough
That's all right babe
I'm just much too tough
And that's how I’m gonna play
Until they bag me tag me take me away

I spent my life going down the lost highway
Now I'm gonna die so I live my life that way

They say that I play too rough
That's all right babe
I'm just much too tough
And that's how I’m gonna play
Until they bag me, tag me, take me away

No Good Woman

Too many lies
Too many fights
You love to fire it up and burn it all night
You need to find yourself someone who can stand ya
A no good woman needs a no good man

You wore me out
Your cheating heart
Took all my money and left me in the dark
One more night with you
I don’t think I can
A no good woman needs a no good man

This life of lies that you try and live
Hurts every bit of my heart
Cheating hiding barely surviving
That's not what I want at all
I asked you more than a time or two
To be my one true love
You told me yes but I didn’t see
All of your fingers crossed

This life of lies that you try and live
Hurts every bit of my heart
Cheating hiding barely surviving
That's not what I want at all
I asked you more than a time or two
To be my one true love
You told me yes but I didn’t see
All of your fingers crossed

I tried to keep up with your heart luck and pain
But I don't have it in me to live out in the rain
I’ll be happy when you let the backdoor slam
A no good woman needs a no good man
A no good woman needs a no good man
You're a no good woman
I'm not your not no good man

One Step Ahead of the Blues

I ain’t high on cocaine
I don’t need the pain
It's bad for your brain
And that's true
I ain’t dropping no names
I ain’t playing no games
I’m just one step ahead of the blues
I’m just one step ahead of the blues

From Memphis to Reno
From New York to Tokyo
I try to come through for you
I won't do you in
I ain’t no fair-weather friend
I’m just one step ahead of the blues
I’m just one step ahead of the blues

I don’t rob I don’t steal
I ain’t begging no meal
I ain't driven to drink
I’m no fool
I don’t run with the crowd
I don’t talk big and loud
I’m just one step ahead of the blues
I’m just one step ahead of the blues

I been under a spell
I ain’t been feeling well
I been down in a shell
And that's true
Well, I'm dealing with a curse
But it couldn’t be worse
I’m just one step ahead of the blues
I’m just one step ahead of the blues



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