„Sunraven” by Grand Magus

Историята за героя Beowulf се развива в езическа Скандинавия през V и VI век след Христа, съгласно едноименната староанглийска епична поема. Тя се състои от 3182 стиха в традиционен старогермански стил с характерна  алитерация и това е едно от най-важните и най-често превеждани произведения на староанглийската литература, включително от J.R.R.Tolkien.

…До земите на гаутите (Geats, Götar, Goths) в Южна Швеция, където управлява крал Hygelac, достига вестта за голяма беда, застигнала датчаните. Най-прославеният от неговите войни Beowulf заявява, че иска да помогне на Hrothgar, краля на датчаните, където всяка вечер в залата Heorot на неговия дворец чудовището Grendel разкъсва хора от свитата на краля. Beowulf побеждава Grendel с голи ръце, след което се справя и с майката на Grendel с гигантски меч, който намира в леговището ? на дъното на езеро. По-късно Beowulf става крал на гаутите и управлява в мир в продължение на петдесет зими. Един ден избягал роб се промъква в леговището на дракон, който отдавна спи върху куп погребани съкровища. Робът открадва златна чаша. Драконът се събужда и, разгневен заради липсата на чашата, напада народа на гаутите. Beowulf решава да последва дракона до леговището му в Earnanæs, но само Wiglaf, се осмелява да се присъедини към него. Beowulf най-накрая убива дракона, но е смъртоносно ранен в битката. Той е кремиран и в негова чест е издигната надгробна могила край морето…

Тази история намира отзвук в наши дни в най-новия албум на шведската heavy metal група, или по-точно това е триото GRAND MAGUS, като десетото заглавие в тяхната дискография се казва „SUNRAVEN“.

Ето какво споделя певецът и китаристът JANNE "JB" CHRISTOFFERSSON: 

„Албумът е за Beowulf и Grendel. По същество Sunraven е Beowulf и това е мое собствено изобретение. Някои от песните са написани за и от гледната точка на Beowulf, а други са съчинени за и от гледната точка на Grendel, чудовището, срещу което той се изправя в Дания. Това този път някак си ме насочи и пренесе през процеса на създаване на текстовете. Никога преди не бях правил нещо подобно. Винаги съм бил очарован от тази приказка. Тези митове и легенди са за всички основни неща, за които пеем – живот, смърт, слава, безчестие, любов, омраза, преодоляване на трудности, изправяне пред дори невъзможното противопоставяне“ – завършва JANNE CHRISTOFFERSSON.
Албума „SUNRAVEN“ ще чуем в предаването “Картини от една изложба®” на  програма “Хоризонт” на БНР, в събота, 18 януари, след новините от 22.00 ч.

В предаването на 18.01.2025 г.: Grand Magus и албумът „Сънрейвън“

Date of Release: October 18th, 2024


1. Skybound - 03:28
2. The Wheel of Pain     - 03:23      
3. Sunraven - 03:37     
4. Winter Storms - 05:15    
5. The Black Lake - 05:33      
6. Hour of the Wolf - 04:02     
7. Grendel - 03:31      
8. To Heorot - 03:00      
9. The End Belongs to You - 03:21      

©2024 Nuclear Blast, GmbH

Band members:
Fox - Bass, Vocals (backing)
JB - Vocals (lead), Guitars, Lyrics
Ludwig - Drums

Lyrics By - JB
Produced By – Grand Magus, Staffan Karlsson

Miscellaneous staff:
Staffan Karlsson - Engineering, Mixing, Mastering
Anthony Roberts - Artwork
Florian Karg - Layout
Johan Bååth – Photography

Recording information:
Recorded at The Sweetspot Studio, Harplinge, Sweden, November 2023.



When you see me
I'll be skybound
Touching glory on my way
Feeling so strong
I can't go wrong
Surging power in my veins

'Cause the last time that you'll feel me is at dawn
It's the last time that you'll see me then I'm gone

You know I'm skybound
I'll never falter
Oh yeah, I'm skybound
To the hereafter

Savage yearning
Blood and fire
No restraint as fury grows
Filled with hunger for a new world
Watch me soar to evermore

It's the last time that you'll see me still in chains
I am leaving but I'll greet you once again

You know I'm skybound
I'll never falter
Oh yeah, I'm skybound
To the hereafter

You know I'm skybound
I'll never falter
Oh yeah, I'm skybound
To the hereafter

The Wheel of Pain

Wide the stride of the giants
Strong their feet on the ground
Sorcery is their science
To reach their throne
I must hold my own
In a land never known

At the wheel of pain
Growing strong again
Learning to fly
Through the mists of pain

I will learn true defiance
Standing tall in the end
Cleansed of doubt and reliance
Weak's not strong
I will prove them wrong
With my blood, flesh and bone

At the wheel of pain
Growing strong again
Learning to fly
Through the mists of pain
Never fail again
Rise ever high
Break the wheel of pain

At the wheel of pain
Growing strong again
Learning to fly
Through the mists of pain
Never fail again
Rise ever high
Break the wheel of pain


I will keep you safe from harm
When fear and sorrow bring you down
Never fear the warning of a battle
Soon to come

I'll be your Sunraven
A safe haven
I'm your spear

In rampant strife and hunger war and pain
Let me be your warrior to ease the strain
Wings to give you shelter
Drive out the falling rain

I'll be your Sunraven
A safe haven
I'm your spear

I'll be your Sunraven
A safe haven
I'm your spear

Winter Storms

I know the difference is inside me
Never to belong
Collecting memories of ashes
A broken soul a broken home

A savage heart unleashed on the world
I'll quench my thirst tonight and drink to loneliness
My solace lies within the frozen emptiness

Winter storms keep me warm
Blackened sky healing me
Northern winds make me burn within
Winter storms calling me

They will cry out for a hero
No one will answer to that call
My seed of horror growing stronger
A mighty shield a battle wall

Bring any man you want I'll kill them all
My sorrow brings me hate to strike and make them fall
No strength will stand against my hunger as it grows

Winter storms keep me warm
Blackened sky healing me
Northern winds make me burn within
Winter storms calling me

Savage heart - horror bound
Raging hate - killing ground
Shadow born - terror crowned
Watch me rise, rise and kill

Winter storms keep me warm
Blackened sky healing me
Northern winds make me burn within
Winter storms calling me
Winter storms calling me home

The Black Lake

They dive
Into the deep
They embrace
In a dance to the bottom of the lake

They dive
Into the deep
They embrace
In a dance to the bottom of the lake

No sound
A silent struggle
Is that death you're fighting against?

The sword
Has lost its bite
It's too late
They must say their last goodbye

Still, wait
Another blade
Made for giants
It will seal, seal your fate

The prize
A bloodied head
Brought back
Now a king to be crowned beyond the grave

The prize
A bloodied head
Brought back
Now a king to be crowned beyond the grave

Hour of the Wolf

You've been cold
Growing old
There's no fire
There's no flame within your soul

Taking hold
Rules you all
Searching meaning
Finding scraps within your soul

You pray for a devil
Never lost never found
You were never a rebel
Won't find the truth just twisted lies
At the hour of the wolf

You fear the night
Will kill your light
So entitled
But tonight you'll feel the bite

You pray for a devil
Never lost never found
You were never a rebel
Won't find the truth just twisted lies
At the hour of the wolf


The great hall fell silent
No guard on duty tonight
The fading embers
Reflected in his eyes

The sound of laughter drove him insane
A savage hunger
Their sleep driven out by hate

He'll eat your heart
He's Grendel
Tear you apart

Too many nights
They were haunted by his call
So many slain
No choice but to flee the hall

He's got no remorse and no regret
Consumed by rage
They will never forget

He'll eat your heart
He's Grendel
Tear you apart

We have to find a grip of iron
A warrior without equal
The hero of the north

He's Grendel
A final fight
He's Grendel
You'll die tonight
He'll fight you
He'll haunt your dreams

To Heorot

Fiery eyes and weapons are gathered
We will join in a quest to the south
Trust the path that we have been given
We will aid our brothers in arms
Thundering hooves break the stillness
Hold fast and press ever on
The clash of armor in the starlight
We must charge on until dawn

Speed through stars and moon

Deserted and forgotten
A ruin left in the storm
I'll sleep and wait until midnight
Then our ruse will shape into form
Leave my weapons here beside me
Taking on this evil unarmed
Fierce and tall it towers above me
Iron grip will tear off his arm

Raven wine will stain the ground


The End Belongs to You

I'm defeated, lost in time
There's no way for me to survive
It's a decision only you can make
I will abide it though my hearts at stake

The end belongs to you
The end belongs to you

My crime was longing, a beast forlorn
Through all the carnage my want grew strong
A hateful soul is by your feet
Final warning let your strike be swift

The end belongs to you
The end belongs to you

The end belongs to you
The end belongs to you
The end belongs to you
The end belongs to you



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