„Moon Music“ by Coldplay

На  4 януари програма "Хоризонт" на БНР отбелязва 53 години история, с пожелание за нови творчески успехи като информационен лидер в българското ефирно пространство! 

Същевременно на тази дата ще бъде първото ни издание през новата 2025 година, при това с номер 1000 на вълните на програма „Хоризонт“.

За юбилейното хилядно предаване намислихме да звучи музика за по-широк кръг слушатели, и това е най-новият албум на популярната британска рок група COLDPLAY, озаглавен „MOON MUSIC“ („ЛУННА МУЗИКА“), и издаден през октомври 2024 г. 

Пълното заглавие на този албум е „MUSIC OF THE SPHERES VOL. II: MOON MUSIC“, това е десетият студиен албум в тяхната дискография, и е нещо като втора част от проекта „MUSIC OF THE SPHERES“ („МУЗИКА ОТ СФЕРИТЕ“), като първата е със заглавието „From Earth with Love“ („От Земята с любов“) от 2021 г. 

„MOON MUSIC“ обикновено го описват като поп рок албум с музикални влияния от фънк, афробийт и електронна музика, в който намира място участието на вездесъщия BRIAN ENO.

Така пред нас звучи история за това как се събуждаш сутрин и се чувстваш ужасно от себе си, ужасно от света – депресиран, изолиран, отделен, сам и неспособен да бъдеш себе си. Чрез албума това е пътуване към усещането за пълната противоположност в края на деня, за пълна с положителна енергия нагласа. Основната тема му е посланието за универсалната любов, наситено с надежда и оптимизъм. 

Певецът и пианистът на групата CHRIS MARTIN споделя: „ЛУННА МУЗИКА“ съдържа чувствата и мислите в сърцето и душата ми. Това е начинът, по който ние като група се чувстваме във всичко. Начинът, по който се опитваме да останем позитивни в свят, в който има толкова много негативност. Мисля, че ако някога сте харесвали COLDPLAY, тогава любимата ви песен от COLDPLAY вероятно е в този албум. Това сме ние, които наистина открито сме самите себе си и пеем за начина, по който избираме да гледаме на света от позициите на любовта. Що се отнася до заглавието на албума, то е свързано с приемането на всички различни фази от живота и желанието да озаряваш, да излъчваш светлина без никаква нужда да искаш нещо в замяна“ – завършва CHRIS MARTIN.

В комерсиален план „MOON MUSIC“ дебютира на върха на класацията за албуми в Обединеното кралство, превръщайки се в 10-ия албум номер едно на COLDPLAY и най-бързо продаваното издание за десетилетието от група. Той също така оглавява най-меродавната класация за албуми в света Billboard 200 на САЩ, отбелязвайки първия път, когато британска група оглавява двете класации едновременно, от 2016 г. Други страни, в които албумът достигна номер едно, са Австралия, Белгия, Германия, Италия, Испания и Швеция.

Албума „MOON MUSIC“, или „ЛУННА МУЗИКА“, ще чуем в предаването “Картини от една изложба®” на програма “Хоризонт” на БНР в събота, 4 януари, след новините от 22 ч.

В предаването на 4.01.2025 г.: Coldplay и албумът „Лунна музика“

Date of Release: 4 October 2024


1.Moon Music - 4:36
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Strings [Strings Performed By] – John Metcalfe
Co-producer [Co-produced By] – Jon*
Written-By [Excerpt From 'Forever Held' By] – Jon Hopkins

2.Feelslikeimfallinginlove - 3:56
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By] – John Metcalfe
Performer [Sample Of 'Funeral Singers' Performed By] – Sylvan Esso
Written-By [Backing Vocals Written By], Backing Vocals [Sung By] – Apple Martin
Written-By [Co-written By] – Jon Hopkins, Max Martin, Oscar Holter
Written-By [Sample Of 'Funeral Singers' Written By] – Tim Rutili

3.We Pray - 3:53
Arranged By [Choral Arrangement], Choir [Choral Performance] – Love Choir
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Strings [Strings Performed By] – Davide Rossi
Arranged By [Strings Arranged With], Strings [Strings Performed With] – Rosie Danvers, Tommy Danvers
Choir [Love Choir] – Denise Carite, Dorian Holley, Neka Hamilton, Stevie Mackey
Featuring [Ft] – Burna Boy, Elyanna, Little Simz, TINI
Guest [Special Guest Vocals], Vocals [Special Guest Vocals] – TINI
Written-By [Co-written By] – Damini Ogulu, Elian Margieh, Ilya Salmanzadeh, Martina Stoessel, Max Martin, Shawn Carter, Simbiatu Abiola Abisola Ajikawo*

4.Jupiter - 4:00
Arranged By [Choral Arrangement], Choir [Choral Performance] – Love Choir
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Strings [Strings Performed By] – Davide Rossi, Mattias Bylund
Choir [Love Choir] – Denise Carite, Dorian Holley, Neka Hamilton, Stevie Mackey
Guest [Special Guest Additional Backing Vocals], Backing Vocals [Special Guest Additional Backing Vocals] – H.E.R., Lous And The Yakuza*, Mzansi Youth Choir
Oboe – Alison Martin
Written-By [Backing Vocals Written By], Backing Vocals [Sung By] – Jacob Collier, Moses Martin, Olivia Charlotte Waithe*
Written-By [Co-written By] – Ilya Salmanzadeh, Max Martin
Written-By [Upright Bass Written By], Double Bass [Upright Bass Performed By] – Orlando Le Fleming

5.Good Feelings - 3:37
Arranged By [Choral Arrangement], Choir [Choral Performance] – Love Choir
Choir [Love Choir] – Denise Carite, Dorian Holley, Neka Hamilton, Stevie Mackey
Featuring [Ft] – Ayra Starr
Written-By [Co-written By] – Oyinkansola Sarah Aderibigbe
Written-By [Co-written By], Co-producer [Co-produced By] – Alex Pall, Andrew Taggart, The Chainsmokers
Written-By [Co-written By], Guest [Special Guest Guitar], Guitar [Special Guest Guitar] – Nile Rodgers

6.???? ALiEN HiTS/ALiEN RADiO) - 6:09
Backing Vocals [Angelsong Backing Vocals By] – Victoria Canal
Guest [Alien Hits / Alien Radio: Opus 5 Special Guest Classical Guitar], Classical Guitar [Alien Hits / Alien Radio: Opus 5 Special Guest Classical Guitar] – Kaori Muraji
Mixed By [Additional Mixing On Angelsong By] – Tate McDowell
Performer [Contains A Sample Of 'Drone In C' By] – SineRider
Voice [Spoken Word Sample By] – Dr. Maya Angelou*
Written-By [Drone In C] – Devin Powers
Written-By [Neon Forest Co-written By], Co-producer [Neon Forest Co-produced By] – Jon Hopkins

7.IAAM - 3:03
Written-By [Co-written By] – Max Martin, Oscar Holter

8.Aeterna - 4:13
Arranged By [Choral Arrangement], Choir [Choral Performance] – Love Choir
Backing Vocals – Amber Strother, Jacob Collier, Livvi Franc, Mzansi Youth Choir, Paris Strother, Victoria Canal
Choir [Love Choir] – Denise Carite, Dorian Holley, Neka Hamilton, Stevie Mackey
Performer [Contains A Sample Of 'Weird Part Of The Night' Performed By] – Louis Cole
Written-By [Co-written By] – Daniel Green*, Jose Velazquez*
Written-By [Co-written By], Co-producer [Co-produced By] – Jon Hopkins

9.All My Love - 3:42
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Strings [Strings Performed By] – John Metcalfe
Guest [Additional Special Guest Vocals], Vocals [Additional Special Guest Vocals] – H.E.R.
Written-By [Co-written By] – Moses Martin

10.One World - 6:47
Arranged By [Choral Arrangement], Choir [Choral Performance] – Love Choir
Choir [Love Choir] – Denise Carite, Dorian Holley, Neka Hamilton, Stevie Mackey
Coordinator [Special Guest Singers Brought Together By] – Peter Chilvers
Vocals – 137,207 Special Guest Singers*
Written-By [Backing Vocals Written By], Backing Vocals [Sung By] – Apple Martin
Written-By [Co-written By] – Bill Rahko, Brian Eno, Denise Carite, Shaneka Hamilton*
Written-By [Contains An Interpolation Of An Ending (Ascent) Written By] – Brian Eno
Written-By [Contains Elements Of 'Root To Leaf' Written By] – John Metcalfe

10.2 (silence) 
10.3 Unnamed Melody 
Written-By [Co-written By] – Apple Martin

©2024 Parlophone Records Ltd., a Warner Music Group Company


Band [Coldplay Are]: 

Chris Martin – vocals (all tracks), keyboards (tracks 1–8, 10), piano (1, 3, 5–7, 9, 10), guitar (2, 4–7, 9), percussion (4)
Jonny Buckland – guitar (tracks 1–5, 7–10), additional vocals (10)
Guy Berryman – bass guitar (tracks 1–5, 7–10), bells (4), mandolin (7)
Will Champion – percussion (tracks 1–3, 6, 8, 9), drums (2–5, 7–10), backing vocals (2, 7, 9), vocals (6), guitar (7), programming (8), Omnichord synthesizer (9)
Phil Harvey – manager

Songwriter [Songs Written By] – Martin*, Berryman*, Buckland*, Champion*

Producer [Extra Production And Magic] – Brian Eno, Jon Hopkins
Producer [Produced By] – Max Martin
Producer [Produced With] – Bill Rahko, Daniel Green*, Ilya*, Michael Ilbert, Oscar Holter

Creative Director [Creative Guidance And Wisdom] – Dakota Johnson, Tim Crompton
Engineer [Additional Engineering By] – Matthew Latham*, Miguel Lara, Rik Simpson, Tate McDowell, Tomas Crow

Engineer [Engineered By] – Bill Rahko, Daniel Green*, Michael Ilbert
Mastered By – Randy Merrill
Mixed By – Michael Ilbert

Mixed at Hansa Mixroom, Berlin.

Graphic Design [Art Design Assisted By] – Victor Scorrano
Graphic Design [Art Design] – Pilar Zeta

Management [Managed By] – Arlene Moon, Mandi Frost, Phil Harvey
Management [Managed With] – Bertie Knutzen, Chris Salmon, Lauren Rauch, Luke Howell, Ray Rock, Sam Seager

Coordinator [Band Assisted By] – Claire Finbow, Emma Jane Randall, Jessie Collins 

Other [Celestial Navigation By] – Debs Wild
Photography By [Album Cover Photographed By] – Matias Alonso Revelli
Photography By [Band Photography] – Anna Lee, Anton Corbijn, Stevie Rae Gibbs
Photography [Album Cover Found By] – DMJ
Stylist [Wardrobe Direction & Styling By] – Applied Art Forms, Beth Fenton

Initial orders from the official Coldplay webshop came with a signed card, signed by all four band members.

All track titles are stylized with all-uppercase apart from the letter "i" which is lowercase, except track 2 stylized as "feelslikeimfallinginlove". Track 6 is listed as "????" which is a combination of the tracks "Neon Forest", "Alien Hits / Alien Radio: Opus 5" and "Angel Song".

Track 10 contains a hidden track (track 10.3). Track 10.1 lasts for 5:08 before a period of silence.

Produced by Max Martin for MXM Productions with Bill Rahko, Michael Ilbert, Daniel Green, Oscar Holter & ILYA for Wolf Cousins Productions.

All songs published by Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd.

Moon Music starts with an excerpt from 'Forever Held' by Jon Hopkins (Domino Publishing Co. Ltd). Strings arranged & performed by John Metcalfe (Manners McDade Music Publishing).

Feelslikeimfallinginlove co-written by Max Martin (MXM Music admin. by Kobalt Music (STIM)), Oscar Holter & Jon Hopkins (Domino Publishing Co. Ltd). Backing vocals written & sung by Apple Martin (Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd). Contains a sample of 'Funeral Singers' performed by Sylvan Esso, written by Tim Rutili (Pastry Sharp Music/Rough Trade Songs (BMI)), licensed courtesy of Loma Vista Recordings, distributed by Concord.

We Pray co-written by Max Martin, (MXM Music admin. by Kobalt Music (STIM)), Shawn Carter (Carter Boys Music, ASCAP Administered by Sony/ATV Tunes, ASCAP), Simbiatu Abiola Abisola Ajikawo (Copyright Control), Damini Ogulu (Universal Tunes (SESAC)), Ilya Salmanzadeh (Wolf Cousins/Warner Chappell Music SCAND (STIM)), Elian Margieh (SOCAN) & Martina Stoessel (Sony ATV). Strings arranged & performed by Davide Rossi (peermusic UK LTD (PRS)) with Rosie & Tommy Danvers. Special guest vocals by TINI appears courtesy of 5020 Records/Hollywood Records & Elyanna appears courtesy of Universal Arabic Music. Burna Boy appears courtesy of On A Spaceship/Bad Habit Records/Atlantic Recording Corporation. Little Simz appears courtesy of Forever Living Originals.

Jupiter co-written by Max Martin (MXM Music admin. by Kobalt Music (STIM)) & Ilya Salmanzadeh (Wolf Cousins/Warner Chappell Music SCAND (STIM)). Backing vocals co-written & sung by Jacob Collier (Mind Texture (ASCAP) admin by Concord Music Publishing), Olivia Charlotte Waithe (BMI)(Underground Sunshine Music & PW Ballads admin. by Universal Music Publishing Group on behalf of Primary Wave Music), Moses Martin (Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd). Upright bass written & performed by Orlando Le Fleming (Copyright Control). Strings arranged & performed by Davide Rossi (peermusic UK Ltd) & Mattias Bylund.

Good Feelings co-written and co-produced by The Chainsmokers - Alex Pall (It Comes and Goes Publishing, admin. by Warner Chappell (BMI) & Andrew Taggart (So Far So Gone Publishing, admin. by Warner Chappell (BMI)). Co-written by Oyinkansola Sarah Aderibigbe (Mavin Global Holdings Limited). Ayra Starr appears courtesy of Mavin Global Holdings distributed by Republic Records & UMG Services. Co-written and special guest guitar by Nile Rodgers (XLC Music (BMI)/Sony Music Publishing).

???? Neon Forest co-written & co-produced by John Hopkins (Domino Publishing Co. Ltd). Contains a sample of 'Drone In C' by Sinerider, used courtesy of & under license from Sinerider (Devin Powers, Copyright Control). Alien Hits / Alien Radio: Opus 5 - special guest classical guitar by Kaori Muraji (Copyright Control). Kaori Muraji appears courtesy of Decca Classics. Angelsong backing vocals by Victoria Canal. Contains a spoken word sample by Dr. Maya Angelou from 'Oprah's Master Class' on OWN Network. Used with permission by Caged Bird Legacy, LLC. MayaAngelou.com. Audio courtesy of Harpo, Inc.

IAAM co-written by Max Martin (MXM Music admin. by Kobalt Music (STIM)) & Oscar Holter (Warner Chappell Music SCAND (STIM)).

Aeterna co-written & co-produced by Jon Hopkins (Domino Publishing Co. Ltd). co-written by Daniel Green (Second Songs admin. by Sony Music Publishing) & Jose Velazquez (Songs at The Sandlot/These Are Pulse Songs (BMI) admin. by Concord Music Publishing). Contains a sample of 'Weird Part Of The Night' ((C) Because Editions) performed by Louis Cole, used courtesy of & under license from Brainfeeder Records.

All My Love co-written by Moses Martin (Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd). Strings arranged & performed by John Metcalfe (Manners McDade Music Publishing).

One World co-written by Brian Eno (Opal Limited admin. by Universal Music Publishing), Bill Rahko (Rahksongs (admin. by Kobalt Music) (GMR)), Denise Carite (The Lady Productions) & Shaneka Hamilton (Official Neka Music (BMI)). Backing vocals co-written and sung by Apple Martin (Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd). Contains elements of 'Root To Leaf' written by John Metcalfe (Manners McDade Music Publishing) which contains an interpretation of An Ending (Ascent) written by Brian Eno.


Moon Music

Once upon a time, I tried to get myself together
Be more like the sky and welcome every kind of weather
Be more eagle-like and find the flight in every feather
Once upon a time, but I'm still trying to get better
Maybe I'm just crazy, I should just be a brick in the wall
Sit and watch the TV, blame everyone else for it all
But I'm trying to trust in the heavens above
And I'm trying to trust in a world full of love
Fire and water and constantly dream
Of the balance of things and the music between
If there's anyone out there, I'm close to the end
If there's anyone out there, I just need a friend

Feels like
I'm fallin' in—
Feels like
I'm fallin' in—
Feels like
I'm fallin'


[Verse 1]
I know that this could hurt me bad
I know that this could feel like that
But I just can't stop
Let my defences drop
I know that I was born to kill
Any angel on my windowsill
But it's so dark inside
I throw the windows wide

I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Still I don't let go
And fields of flowers grow

Oh, it feels like
I'm fallin' in love
Maybe for the first time
Baby, it's my mind you blow
It feels like
I'm fallin' in love
You're throwin' me a lifeline
This is for a lifetime, I know

[Verse 2]
I know that in this kind of scene
Of two people there's a spark between
One gets torn apart
One gets a broken heart

I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Still I don't let go
And fields of flowers grow

Oh, it feels like
I'm fallin' in love
Maybe for the first time
Baby, it's my mind you blow
It feels like
I'm fallin' in love
You're throwin' me a lifeline
This is for a lifetime, I know

Ooh (Feels like)

It feels like
I'm fallin' in love
You're throwin' me a lifeline
Oh, now for the first time
I know I'm not alone

Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo, oh
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo, oh

We Pray

[Intro: Little Simz, Elyanna, Chris Martin & Burna Boy]
And so we pray

[Verse 1: Chris Martin]
I pray that I don't give up, pray that I do my best
Pray that I can lift up, pray my brother is blessed
Praying for enough, pray Virgilio wins
Pray I judge nobody and forgive me my sins
I pray we make it, pray my friend will pull through
Pray as I take it unto others, I do
Praying on your love, we pray with every breath
Though I'm in the valley of the shadow of death

[Chorus: Chris Martin, Chris Martin & Little Simz, Burna Boy]
And so we pray
For someone to come and show me the way
And so we pray
For some shelter and some records to play
And so we pray
We'll be singing "Baraye"
Pray that we make it to thе end of the day
And so we pray
I know somеwhere that Heaven is waitin'
And so we pray
I know somewhere there's something amazin'
And so we pray
I know somewhere we'll feel no pain
Until we make it to the end of the day

[Verse 2: Little Simz, Chris Martin & Little Simz, Burna Boy]
I pray that love will shelter us from our fears
Oh, I pray you trust to let me wipe off your tears
Confront all the pain that we felt inside
With all the cards we been dealt in life
Pray I speak my truth and keep my sisters alive
So for the ones who parted seas (Ah, yeah)
For the ones who's followin' dreams (Ah, yeah)
For the ones who knocked down doors (Ah, yeah)
And allowed us to pass down keys (Ah, yeah)
Pray that we speak with a tongue that is honest
And that we understand how to be modest
Pray when she looks at herself in the mirror
She sees a queen, she sees a goddess

[Chorus: Chris Martin, Chris Martin & Little Simz, Burna Boy]
And so we pray
For someone to come and show me the way
And so we pray
For some shelter and some records to play
And so we pray
We'll be singin' "Baraye"
Pray that we make it to the end of the day
And so we pray
I know somewhere that Heaven is waitin'
And so we pray
I know somewhere there's something amazin'
And so we pray
I know somewhere we'll feel no pain
Until we make it to the end of the day

[Bridge: Burna Boy]
On my knees, I pray, as I sleep and wake
'Cause inside my head is a frightening place
Keep a smiling face, only by His grace
'Cause love's more than I can take, hey

[Chorus: Chris Martin & Little Simz, Elyanna, Burna Boy, Chris Martin, Elyanna & TINI]
And so we pray
And so we pray
And so we pray
And so we pray
And so we pray
We'll be singin' "Baraye"
Till nobody's in need and everybody can say (Oh)

[Post-Chorus: Choir, Little Simz, Burna Boy, Burna Boy & Choir]
La-la-la, la-la, la-la (La-la)
La-la-la, la-la, la-la (La-la-la, la)
La-la-la, la-la, la-la (Sing it to me)
La-la-la, la-la, we pray, we pray
La-la-la, la-la, la-la (I know somewhere that Heaven is waitin', is waitin')
La-la-la, la-la, la-la (I know somewhere there's something amazin', something amazin')
La-la-la, la-la, la-la (Until we feel no pain)
La-la-la, la-la, we pray, we pray

[Outro: Chris Martin & Choir]
La-la-la, la-la, la-la
La-la-la, la-la, la-la
La-la-la, la-la, la-la
La-la-la, la-la, we pray, we pray, we pray


[Verse 1]
Jupiter, named for a planet, wasn't free to be
To be exactly who she ought to be
She saw in colours others couldn't see
Jupiter, named for a planet, would pretend to be
Somebody way less extraordinary
"Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me"

"Am I bad? Am I wrong? Am I weird in the head?
The only one awake, and everyone's in bed"
Still she followed the river where the river led
Right up to heaven where the billboard read

"I love who I love (I love who I love)
Oh yeah, I love who I love (I love who I love)
I love who I love," the message from above
Is never give up, love who you love

[Verse 2]
Jupiter longed to be herself or die
"I wanna burst into a butterfly"

"Am I bad? Am I wrong? Am I not okay?
Speaking only words that a girl can't say"
Still she followed the rain to where the rainbow lay
All of the angels singing "Come and say"

"I love who I love (I love who I love)
Oh yeah, I love who I love (I love who I love)
I love who I love," the message from above
Is never give up, love who you love

And it's a battle for your song
You had to hide away for so long
When they say, "Yourself is wrong"
(The orchestra of rainbows play)

I love who I love (I love who I love)
Oh yeah, I love who I love (I love who I love)
I love who I love, I struggle with this stuff
Now all I wanna say
Is la-la-la-la-lay (La-la-la-la-lay)
La-la-la-la-lay (La-la-la-la-lay)
Oh, I'm okay ('Kay, 'kay, 'kay)
Oh, I'm okay (He-hey, hey)

Ngiyakuthanda ngenyaniso
Ngiyakuthanda ngenyaniso
Ngiyakuthanda ngenyaniso
Yam yonke sithandwa sami ngiyakuthanda ngenyaniso
Ngiyakuthanda ngenyaniso
Yam yonke sithandwa sami ngiyakuthanda ngenyaniso

…who you love (Love, love)
Love (Love) who you love
Love (Love) who you love
(Love, love)


All those good, good, good, good
All those good, good, good, good
All those good, good, good, good
All those good, good, good, good
Good, good, good, good
All those good, good, good, good
All those good, good, good, good
All those good, good, good, good

[Verse 1: Chris Martin]
We fell in love in the summer
I remember, baby, we saw the sun shine too
And we were born for each other
Just remember, baby, whatever we go through

[Pre-Chorus: Chris Martin]
All the good feelings for one another
As we danced to the radio
All the good, good feelings we have for each other
Don't ever, еver let them go

[Chorus: Chris Martin, Ayra Starr]
All thе good, good feelings
Don't ever let, don't ever let them
Don't ever let them go
Don't ever let, don't ever let them
All those good, good feelings
Don't ever let, don't ever let them
Don't ever forget those good feelings
Don't ever let them go (All those good, good)

[Verse 2: Ayra Starr]
We fell in love in the summer
I remember, baby, we fell under the moon, oh
We were born for each other
I remember when I'm millions of miles from you

[Pre-Chorus: Chris Martin, Chris Martin & Ayra Starr, Ayra Starr]
All the good feelings for one another (Uh)
As we danced to the radio (Oh)
All the good, good feelings we have for each other
Don't ever, ever let them go (Don't ever, ever let them go)

[Chorus: Chris Martin & Ayra Starr, Ayra Starr, Chris Martin]
All the good, good feelings
Don't ever let, don't ever let them
Don't ever let them go (Oh)
Don't ever let, don't ever let
All those good, good feelings
Don't ever let, don't ever let (Oh)
Don't ever forget those good feelings (Oh)
Don't ever let them go (Oh)
All the good, good feelings

[Bridge: Choir, Arya Starr & Choir, Chris Martin]
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la (Hey, the kids want to sing for you)
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la (Oh, we're gonna make it through)
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la

[Chorus: Chris Martin, Ayra Starr, Chris Martin & Arya Starr]
All the good, good feelings
Don't ever let, don't ever let them (Oh)
Don't ever let them go
Don't ever let, don't ever let them
All those good, good feelings
Don't ever let, don't ever let them
Don't ever forget those good feelings
Don't ever let them go
All the good, good feelings

[Outro: Choir]
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la


[Part I: Neon Forest]

[Intro: Chris Martin]
As much as I could, as much as I tried
I just couldn't seem to find the light


[Verse 1: Chris Martin & Will Champion]
It glows
In your eyes
Everything that lives
All the stars in the sky

[Outro: Angel Moon]
Sunshine every time I look at you
(Ohh, ahh)

[Part II: Angelsong]

[Verse 2: Will Champion]
To all, all of us
No, don't give up
Storms pass, love lasts
It all goes by so fast

[Outro: Maya Angelou]
There is an African American song, 19th century
Which, um, is so pretty, it said
"When it looked like the sun wasn't gonna shine anymore
God put a rainbow in the clouds
God put a rainbow in the clouds"
And I've had so many rainbows in my clouds
I had a lot of clouds, but I have had so many rainbows
So many rainbows
So many rainbows


[Verse 1]
I got this feeling and just what it is, God only knows
I got this feeling and I think I'm seeing thunderbolts
I got this feeling that I'm turnin' into someone new
I got this feeling that the ceiling is for bursting through

I got this feeling and now nothing is frightening
I got this feeling I can summon up lightning
I got this feeling and just what it is, God only knows
But here it goes

Stood on a sea of pain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
I'll be back on my feet again
'Cause I am a mountain

[Verse 2]
I'm really sorry for some things I said along the way
I really love you, I just didn't like myself that day

I got this feeling I can summon up lightning
I got this feeling I was falling, now I'm flying
I got this feeling and just what it is, God only knows
So here it goes

Stood on a sea of pain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
I'll be back on my feet again
'Cause I am a mountain
Everyone taking aim
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
I'll be back on my feet again
'Cause I am a mountain

(Back on my feet again
I am a mountain)

Everyone taking aim
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
My love for you will remain
'Cause I am a mountain


[Verse 1]
And for the life of me
I couldn't decide just what it could be
Eyes so hypnotised
'Cause when you look at me
There's something inside hallucinatory
I took my soul to heaven

This must be bliss
Must be for this I exist
'Cause I always, I always
I always want to feel like this
Oh, this must be bliss
This extraordinariness
And I always, I always
I always want to feel like this

[Verse 2]
All together now, you feel it flow
You feel it flow
And we're all together now, so
Fall together now, you feel it flow
You feel it flow
And we're all together now, oh

This must be bliss
Must be for this I exist
'Cause I always, I always
I always want to feel like this
Oh, this must be bliss
This extraordinariness
And I always, I always
I always wanna feel like this

Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe


[Verse 1]
We've been through low
Been through sunshine, been through snow
All the colours of the weather
We've been through high
Every corner of the sky
And still we're holding on together

You got all my love
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
You've got all my love
Whether it rains, it remains
You've got all my love

[Verse 2]
And till I die
Let me hold you if you cry
Be my one, two, three, forever

'Cause you got all my love
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
You've got all my love
Whether it rains, it remains
You'vе got all my love

La-la, la-la, la, lay
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
La-la, la-la, la, lay
That's all, all I can say

[Guitar Solo]

Ooh, you got all my lovе
Oh, for now and always, till the end of my days
You got all my love
You've got all my love


[Part I: One World]


[Verse: Chris Martin]
Oh, one world
Only one world
Oh, one world
Only one world
Oh, one world
Only one world
Oh, one world
Only one world
Oh, one world
Only one world
Oh, one world
Only one

[Instrumental Break]

[Chorus: Chris Martin]
In the end, it's just love
In the end,?it’s?just?love
In the end,?it's just love
In?the end, it's just love
In the end, it’s just love

[Part II]

[Outro: Chris Martin, Chris Martin & Will Champion]
La, la, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la, la-la
La-la, la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la
La, la, la-la-la, la
La-la, la, la-la-la
La, la-la, la-la-la, la
La-la, la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la
La-la-la, la-la, la
La-la, la-la-la
La, la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La, la-la, la-la-la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la




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